Tansen, Palpa

A Beautiful Hill Station in the western piece of Nepal, Tansen is the headquarter of Palpa District. It lies between Pokhara (122 km from Tansen), a well known vacationer city and Lumbini (85km from Tansen), an origination of Lord Buddha, author of Buddhism. Tansen is just 65 km from Sunauli, an Indian Border.

 Roosted on the lap of the tremendous Srinagar Hill, Tansen summons a beautiful scene of the Himalayas and also the fields of Terai. Situated at a height of 1310 meters, Tansen is a wonderful spot to visit amid any period of the year.


1. Shreenagar Hill 

A standout amongst the most beautiful spots in the entire Palpa locale, Shreenagar slope possesses large amounts of picturesque more fantastic and wonderful characteristic environment. A negligible 30 minutes jump by walking or 10 minutes drive from the town of Tansen, One would achieve the highest point of the slope which charges a one of a kind range of common party from the snowcapped Himalayan tops in the north to the lavish green wide territory of fields of Terai in the south, and obviously, the all encompassing perspective of the Tansen town. The great glade on the slope top is a perfect spot to see the amazing scenes of grand Dhaulagiri, annapurna and the famous twin crests of Machhapuchare-the fishtail mountain. additionally, numerous lovely short strolls and trips might be delighted in starting here. To the solace of the guests, there are recently assembled offices like houses and campgrounds on the highest point of the slope. An additional fascination is an as of late manufactured 'Twa-dewa', a tremendous Newari style bronze light stand.

2. Amar Narayan Temple 

Worked in 1807 AD by Amar Singh Thapa, the sanctuary of Amar Narayan is viewed as an imperative milestone of Tansen. It is implicit ordinary Nepali Pagoda style for its verifiable and structural hugeness. The perplexing works of wood carvings in the sanctuary are basically sublime. The sanctuary is encompassed by one meter wide stone divider privately known as the 'Incomparable mass of Palpa'. Inside the sanctuary complex there are the sanctuary of Lord mahadev, lakes, parks, rest houses and a characteristic water spring. Each morning and night aficionados accumulate in the compound and serenade "Bhajans" ( blessed presentations)

3. Tansen Durbar 

Worked in 1927 AD by Pratap Shamsher Jung Bahadur Rana, the durbar is a stupendous forcing royal residence in the heart of the town. Once the seat of the Rana governors, the Durbar is currently the locale secretariat of Palpa region.

4. Shitalpati(the Round House) 

Worked by Khadga Shamsher, the first Shitalpati is of octagonal shape. A round house around the Shitapati has been as of late fabricated. The truly critical Shitalpati is a prevalent hang out for local people now. The 'Baggi Dhoka', the greatest entryway of its kind in Nepal is situated in this square. Local people regularly sever to contrast it and the engineering of Mugal Empire in India.

5. Bhagawati Temple 

Worked by Ujir Singh Thapa in 1814 AD to stamp the triumph over provincial British-India compels, the sanctuary is a little structure yet holds massive religions significance. Situated close to the Tansen Durbar, it is a journey of Palpalies. It is said that the first structure was surprisingly greater and excellent. also, it has experienced numerous physical conformities, most as of late after the colossal quake of 1934. In the month of august consistently, a chariot parade of gods is taken out all through the town with military honor to watch the memorable fight.

6. Amargunj Ganesh 

Before building the Amar Narayan sanctuary in 1807 A.D. Amar Singh Thapa had fabricated this sanctuary. Compositionally, the sanctuary bears the same style and character of Amar Narayan Temple. The sanctuary has a major imaginative 'Rest House' where a school has been run in the blink of an eye.
Tansen, Palpa Tansen, Palpa Reviewed by Smriti on 11:04:00 AM Rating: 5
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